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Five Ways to Look Stylish and Conservative




As a salesperson for Nordstrom, Fashion is a compulsory experience. I have witnessed all types of styles; from wild looks to more conservative looks. Here are five steps I've learned from dressing conservative women.


As a full time employee of the fashion store, Nordstrom, I had to familiarize myself with several fashion trends. I learned through working in my department, Point of View, that conservative dressing does not need to be boring. My department specialized in dressing working, senior and adult women. Here are five tips that our department focused on:

1. What is your size? Knowing your size and getting fit is crucial to knowing what fits your body. When a woman dresses according to her size, she is more confident thus making her feel comfortable.

2. Who is your favorite designer? Designers have a niche that makes them special. A woman who favors Michael Kors might be into animal print or bold colors. By learning this information, women will understand their personal style and use a basic designer as their focus style.

3. How conservative do you want to dress? Most women that came to my department looked younger than 40, even though they were not. By dressing according to how conservative you want to look, rather than age, you get to know how you want to look and what you feel like wearing. When women understand their occasion or their desired look, they spend more time on things they actually want to wear.

4. What are you shopping for? Most women came for several reasons, vacation, wedding etc. Dressing conservative could acquire taste. So you might need professional help. In order for the professional to know how to help, they need to understand what you are shopping for. From this point, a salesperson or stylist will limit their search to suggestions for your event.

5. Try it on! Trying on clothes means that you get to handpick your combined look. You can fit your taste, dress the part and still be appropriate if you get the feel for your look. It is not enough to try on just the clothes; dress with several accessories i.e. a belt or several pieces of jewelries, to give your look a boost without overdoing it.

That's it! Five great steps to dressing conservative, fabulous and stylish.


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